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1. David Stojanovic does not provide medical diagnoses or consultations related to health, medical, or psychiatric conditions.

2. Metta Healing and Qi Abdominal Release are alternative healing methods. While some evidence suggests these practices may be effective in addressing physical, mental, and spiritual conditions, they are considered alternative or complementary to conventional healthcare.

3. David Stojanovic is not a medical doctor and cannot provide any medical care, treatment, or diagnosis concerning your physical health or well-being.

4. These services are not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment from licensed and registered healthcare professionals. It is recommended that you seek professional medical advice before making any health-related decisions.

5. These healing methods may involve discussions of personal or sensitive topics, including unresolved trauma, which may arise as part of the healing process. As a hands-on / distance healing practice, touch may be applied to different areas of your body. If you do not consent to being touched, or if you feel uncomfortable at any time, please inform David immediately.

6. By booking, attending, or participating in a session with David Stojanovic, you agree to fully release, indemnify, and hold harmless David Stojanovic and any associates from any claims or liabilities of any kind.

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